Miss Thang just came by with TWO $100 gift cards for Marketplace from her Christmas Miracles program!!!
I am over the moon with happiness. Couldn't have come at a better time. Thank you Jesus!!!!!
~ The Burgess Family
Thank you sooo much Miss Thang. I am so THANKFUL.
~ Anonymous
My mom was so ecstatic to receive her gift from Miss Thang's Miracles. She won't let anyone touch her envelope.
We appreciate you, Miss Thang.
Thank you.
~ The Desilva Family
Thank you Miss Thang much appreciate for your gift package. Ms. Minors just wanted you to know that we appreciate you and your kindness.
Much love, God bless you.

Thank you & God bless you.
~ Minnie Barbara Tacklyn
I am so appreciative for EVERYTHING you do for our Seniors. Continue to do what God has called you to do.
~ Anonymous
You are our Bermuda's Oprah! Thank you from your St. Georges listeners.
~ Anonymous
Thank you Miss Thang’s Miracles. We appreciate you.
~ The C Family
I am so happy to receive my gift. Thank you again.
~ The Simmons Family
Miss Thang you always bless my mom and I just wanted to say THANK YOU. We are always short for groceries but this month we are able to have plenty because of your blessing.
Thank you.
~ Love from the Ginger family.
Happy New Year and a loving thank for having such a Huge giving and caring heart. I am very thankful.
~ Ms. Burrows 💜💜.
Miss Thang my girl! Wishing you nothing but the best ! Lots of love and thank you for all the good things you do !!! Not just pumping music for the people but for also doing so much good for the people !! Your interviews ! Your promotions, everyone you touch !!! Love you 💜💛💚 nuff respect.
~ Brian Morris (Dec 23rd, 2022) 🙏🏾
My mom Ms.Alice Wade from Somerset, received some gifts from you. She is so happy and she wanted to tell you a huge thank YOU for choosing her! She was so happy!! 💜